Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter Volume 1 (1973)


List of Papers Read at Meetings of the Study Group 1968-1972 (July)

Synopses of Papers Read at December 1972 Meeting

I. E. Little, Eighteenth-Century Literature as seen through the Eyes of Prince P. A. Viazemskii [pp. 7-10]
II. J. D. Goodliffe, I. I. Dmitriev's View of Eighteenth-Century Russian Life and Letters [pp. 10-11]
III. M. Raeff, The Well-Regulated Police State and Catherine II's Legislative Activity [pp. 11-13]
IV. I. de Madariaga, The Enlightenment and Government Policy in Eighteenth-Century Russia [pp. 13-17]
V. R. R. Milner-Gulland, Transitions in Eighteenth-Century Russian Architecture [pp. 17-20]

Synopses of Papers Read at July 1973 Meeting

I. D. E. Budgen, The Development of the Epistolary Technique in the Novels of Fedor Emin [pp. 21-23]
II. M. V. Jones, The Sad and Curious Case of Karass (1802-1835) [pp. 23-26]

Notes and Queries

A. G. Cross, Edinburgh University's Cabinet of Russian Medals [pp. 27-28]
A. G. Cross, A Russian in the Gordon Riots: A Note and Several Queries [pp. 29-36]
B. Hollingworth, John Phillips, Canal Enthusiast in Russia, 1783-85 [pp. 36-40)
Queries [pp. 41-42]


G. S. Smith, A Select Bibliography of Works on Eighteenth-Century Versification Published outside the Soviet Union [pp. 43-48]


И. З. Серман, Русский классицизм. Поэзия. Драма. Сатира. (G. S. Smith) [pp. 49-52]