Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter Volume 2 (1974)
Synopses of Papers Read at December 1973 Meeting
I. W. E. Butler, P. P. Shafirov and the Law of Nations in Petrine Russia [pp. 5-8]II. P. H. Clendinning, Admiral Sir Charles Knowles in Russia, 1771-1774 [pp. 8-12]
III. B. Hollingworth, Some Aspects of Anglo-Russian Trade in the Eighteenth Century [pp. 12-15]
IV. A. Ross, Literary Patronage in Russia in the Eighteenth Century [pp. 15-16]
Synopses of Papers Read at July 1974 Meeting
I. G. S. Smith, Prophet and Poet: The Psalms in Eighteenth-Century Russian Literature [pp. 17-19]II. T. Sandell, V. V. Kapnist's Role in Russo-Ukrainian Culture [pp. 19-22]
III. J. A. Harvie, Derzhavin as Dramatist [pp. 22-24]
A. G. Cross, The English Garden and Russia: An Anonymous Identified [pp. 25-29]W. G. Jones, The Year of Novikov's Birth [pp. 30-32]
A. G. Cross, Dmitriev and Gessner [pp. 32-39]
Query [p. 40]
A. G. Cross, "The Notorious Barkov": An Annotated Bibliography [pp. 41-52]G. S. Smith, Radishchev: A Concise Bibliography of Works Published outside the Soviet Union [pp. 53-61]
Н. И. Павленко, et al. (ред.), Россия в период реформ Петра I. (B. Hollingsworth) [pp. 62-67]С. П. Луппов, Книга в России в первой четверти XVIII века (R. Lucas) [pp. 67-79]
В. И. Недосекин, 'О дискусии по крестьянскому вопросу в России накануне восстания Пугачева', Изветсия Воронежского Гос. Педагогического института, vol. LXIII (R. P. Bartlett) [pp. 79-85]
К. Д. Вишневский, Русская метрика XVIII века (G. S. Smith) [pp. 85-90]