Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter Volume 8 (1980)

Synopses of Papers Read at January 1980 Meeting

I. J. N. Hartley, Town Government after the Charter to the Towns of 1785 [pp. 5-7]
II. I. P. Foote, The Censorship Statute of 1804 [pp. 7-9]
III. M. Green, Variants of the Anti-Despotic Tragedy in the Work of Sumarokov, Rzhevskii and Kheraskov [pp. 10-11]
IV. R. P. Avery, Foreign Influences on Russian Nautical Terminology in the Eighteenth Century [pp. 11-13]
V. A. Wood, Siberian Exile in the Eighteenth Century [pp. 14-16]
VI. Isabel de Madariaga, The Concept of "Samoderzhavie" [pp. 16-17]

Synopses of Papers Read at July 1980 Meeting

I. P. J. O'Meara, Mediaeval and Eighteenth-Century Themes in the Work of Ryleev [pp. 17-20]
II. Maureen Perrie, Pretenders and Popular Monarchist Ideas in the Time of Troubles [pp. 20-22]
III. Philip Longworth, Tsar Aleksei and his World [pp. 22-23] IV. Robin Lucas, Dutch and Polish Contributions to the Architecture of Russia, 1660-1725 [pp. 23-27]
V. Lindsey Hughes, The "Nemetskaia sloboda" [pp. 28-30]
VI. Paul Dukes, The Leslie Family in the Thirty Years War and the Porshnev Thesis [pp. 30-33]
VII. David Taylor, The Franco-Russia Alliance: The Porte, the Princess and the Peace of the North [pp. 33-35]
VIII. R. E. McGrew, Some Thoughts on Paul I [pp. 35-37]
IX. W. F. Ryan, Science in Seventeenth-Century Muscovy: Texts and Terminology [pp. 37-39]
X. И. З. Серман, Establishment and Formation of Russian Literature in Late 17th and Early 18th Centuries [pp. 39-45]


C. N. Smith, Ferdinand Kauer and the Siege of Ochakov [pp. 46-51]
A. G. Cross, The Black Hole of Calcutta: Radishchev and Frederick Chamier [pp. 52-57]
R. P. Bartlett, I. E. and the Free Economic Society's Essay Competition [pp. 58-67] И. З. Серман, Крыловское времена [pp. 68-69]
Irina Mess-Baehr, "Солдатская" сатира и аллегория в неизданных антинаполеонских стихах Державина [pp. 70-85]


В. Н. Татищев, Избранные произведения (P. Dukes) [pp. 86-92]
Т. М. Матвеева, Убранство русскикх кораблей (W. Ryan) [pp. 92-95]
H.-B. Barder and H. Rothe (eds), Studien zu Literatur und Aufklärung in Osteuropas (И. З. Серман) [pp. 96-101]