Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter Volume 9 (1981)
Anne Pennington [p. 5]Notes
Joyce S. Toomre, Sumarokov's Adaptation of "Hamlet" and the "To Be or Not To Be" Soliloquy [pp. 6-20]M. Green, Kheraskov and the Morality Play in mid-Eighteenth-Century Russia [pp. 21-28]
Lindsey Hughes, Ablesimov's "Мельник": A Study of Success [pp. 29-40]
R. P. Bartlett, Catherine II, Voltaire and Henry IV of France [pp. 41-50]
A. G. Cross, The "Сводный каталог": Addenda and Corrigenda from British Sources [pp. 51-56]
A. G. Cross & G. S. Smith, A Bibliography of English-Language Scholarship on Eighteenth-Century Russian Literature, Thought and Culture since 1979 [pp. 57-67]Reviews
И. Ф. Мартынов (comp.), Стихотворения, романсы... (М. Альтшуллер) [pp. 68-75]Ю. Н. Левин, Оссиан в русской литературе (М. Альтшуллер) [pp. 76-83]
Г. А. Некрасов, Роль России в европейской международной политике 1725-1739 гг. (D. Taylor) [pp. 84-89]
E. Amburger, Ingermanland (R. P. Bartlett) [pp. 89-94]
И. Ф. Мартынов, Книгоиздатель Николай Новиков (W. G. Jones) [pp. 94-96]