Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter Volume 11 (1983)

Synopses of Papers Read at January 1983 Meeting

I. A. Lentin, "Shcherbatov at Home": Prince M. M. Shcherbatov and his Family Circle from the Private Diary of the Chevalier de Corberon [pp. 5-8]
II. R. P. Bartlett, Count J. J. Sievers and the Peasantry under Catherine II [pp. 8-11]
III. A. McMillin, Venevitinov and Goethe [pp. 11-12]
IV. W. Gareth Jones, Novikov's "Kошелек" and the Challenge of History [pp. 13-15]


J. Black, Russia and the British Press in the Early Eighteenth Century [pp. 16-33]
J. Bailey, An Early Example of Russian Dramatic Blank Verse: Narezhenyi's Tragedy "Кровавая ночь" [pp. 34-39]
W. Gleason, The Role of Denis Fonvizin in the Dana Mission to St Petersburg: Evidence from the Dana Archives [pp. 40-48]


А. И. Горшков, Язык предпушкинской прозы (W. G. Jones) [pp. 49-53]
А. В. Липатов, А. И. Рогов & Л. А. Софронова (ред.), Барокко в славянских культурах (L. Hughes) [pp. 54-61]
Д. С. Лихачев, Поэзия садов. К семантике садово-парковых стилей (A. G. Cross) [pp. 61-68]
A. Kappeler, Russlands Erste Nationalitäten: das Zarenreich und die Völker der Mittleren Wolga vom 16. bis 19. Jahrhundert (R. P. Bartlett) [pp. 69-73