Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter Volume 14 (1986)

Synopses of Papers Read at January 1986 Meeting

L. A. J. Hughes, Portraits of Tsarevna Sof'ia Alekseevna [pp. 3-4]
J. Tann, Matthew Boulton and the St Petersburg Mint [pp. 5-6]


A. G. Cross, XVIII Vek [pp. 7-11]
J. D. Klier, The Origins of the "Blood Libel" in Russia [pp. 12-22]
I. de Madariaga, The Banning of "Emile" [pp. 23-26]
J. Black, Russian Intervention in the Russian Press: An Example from 1762 [pp. 27-30]
A. G. Cross, Richard Paton and the Battle of Chesme [pp. 31-37]
H. Rothe, Nobokov, Pushkin and Murav'ev [pp. 38-39]


A Bibliography of English-Language Publications on Eighteenth-Century Russian Literature, Culture and Thought since 1984 [pp. 40-48]
Index of Authors [p. 49]


Draft Version of an Introduction to a guide to the Denisov Collection (W. Pintner) [pp. 50-52]
Manuscript Draft of a Commerce Treaty between Peter the Great and the King of Great Britain (J. L. Perkowski) [pp. 53-54]
Russian Justice: A Newspaper Report of 1774 (J. Black) [p. 55]
A Press Description of Catherine the Great (J. Black) [p. 56]


А. М. Панченко, Rусская культура в канун петровских реформ (L. A. J. Hughes) [pp. 57-59]
А. И. Юхт, осударственная деятельность В. Н. Татищева в 20-х - 30-х годов XVIII в. (P. Dukes) [pp. 60-62]
М. Т. Белявский, Однодворцы Черноземья (по их наказам в Уложенную комиссию 1767-68 гг.) (D. Shaw) [pp. 63-67]
Ю. В. Стенник, Русская сатира XVIII века (W. G. Jones) [pp. 68-72]
Екатерина Дашкова, Zаписки 1743-1810. Погодовка текста, статья и комментарии Г. Н. Моисеевой (A. G. Cross) [pp. 73-74]