Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter
Volume 25 (1997)

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Synopses of Papers Read at the 38th Meeting of the Study Group

May Smith, Church Slavonic and the Influence of French on Eighteenth-Century Literary Russian


C. Ellis, Is there Life on other Planets? A View from Eighteenth-Century Russia
A. G. Cross, Which Hadfield?
M. J. Okenfuss, The Death of Catherine the Great : The Perspective of the Classics


R. Davies & G. S. Smith, D. S. Mirsky: A Forgotten Article on Peter the Great (1931)
A. G. Cross, British Sources for Catherine's Russia: 2) Paul Gilchrist's "Genuine Letter" to Charles Saunders, 1762


Де ла Невилль [Foy de la Neuville], Записки о Московии Translated and edited, with introduction and commentary, by A. S. Lavrov (Lindsey Hughes)
Claus Scharf, Katharina II. Deutschland und die Deutschen (Roger Bartlett)
Марк Альтшуллер, Eпоха Вальтера Скотта в России: Исторический роман 1830-х годов (W. Gareth Jones)