Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter Volume 27 (1999)
Synopses of Papers Read at the 39th Meeting of the Study Group
Charles Ellis, An Enquiry into the Extent of Lomonosov's Religious BeliefRaffaela Faggionato, From a Society of the Enlightened to the Enlightenment of Society (The Russian Bible Society and Freemasonry in the Age of Alexander I)
Roderick E. McGrew, Heinrich Storch's "Historisch-statisches Gemaelde des russischen Reichs am Ende des achtzehnten Kahrhunderts": Opening the Modern Development Debate
Maarten Fraanje, Nikolai Karamzin and Christian Heinrich Spiess: "Poor Liza" in the Context of the Eighteenth-Century German Suicide Story
Antony Lentin, Did Lomonosov know "Pravda voli monarshei"?A. G. Cross, The English Mylord and the Imperial Harlot: A Document with Many Queries
Е. Б. Мозговая, Рельеф из собрания научно-исследовательского музея российской Академии художеств
Catherine Bicentenary Conferences, 1996 (Roger Bartlett)А. В. Демкин, Британское купечество в России XVIII века (Roger Bartlett)
С. О. Адросов, Живописец Иван Никитин (Lindsey Hughes)
Nicolaj A. L'vov, Italienisches Tagebuch. Iтальянский дневник. Herausgegeben und kommeniert von Konstantin Ju. Lappo-Danilevskij (A. N. Balash)
Словарь русских писателей XVIII века (M. Schippan)