Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter Volume 28 (2000)

Synopses of Papers Read at the 40th Meeting of the Study Group

Andrew Curtin, Concerning the Spiritual in Art: Aesthetics and Ethics in Russian History Painting, 1750-1782
Paul Dukes, Pushkin's Two Pugachevs
Lindsey Hughes, 'Nothing's too Small for a Great Man': Peter I's "domiki"
Ol'ga Kosheleva, The Population of St Petersburg in the Mirror of the Censuses of 1713, 1717 and 1718
Gina Maiellaro, Псалтырь в песнях-одах А. Кантемира
Denis Shaw, Science, Geography and Russia before Peter


Roderick P. McGrew, Stedingk and Tsar Paul: March 1800
Irina Tarassova, The Last Years of the Sculptor and Architect Andreas Schlüter
Е. Н. Марасинова, Сознание элиты российского дворянства последней трети XVIII века (по материалам переписки)


Aнгелина Вачева, Pоэта-бурлеск в русской поэзии XVIII века (Stefano Garzonio)
Сергей В. Хачатуров, Готический вкус в русской художественной культуре XVIII века (W. Gareth Jones)

Conference Report

"The German Heritage of Catherine the Great": Tenth International Congress on the Enlightenment. Dublin, 1999. (Marcus C. Levitt)