Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter Volume 28 (2000)
Synopses of Papers Read at the 40th Meeting of the Study Group
Andrew Curtin, Concerning the Spiritual in Art: Aesthetics and Ethics in Russian History Painting, 1750-1782Paul Dukes, Pushkin's Two Pugachevs
Lindsey Hughes, 'Nothing's too Small for a Great Man': Peter I's "domiki"
Ol'ga Kosheleva, The Population of St Petersburg in the Mirror of the Censuses of 1713, 1717 and 1718
Gina Maiellaro, Псалтырь в песнях-одах А. Кантемира
Denis Shaw, Science, Geography and Russia before Peter
Roderick P. McGrew, Stedingk and Tsar Paul: March 1800Irina Tarassova, The Last Years of the Sculptor and Architect Andreas Schlüter
Е. Н. Марасинова, Сознание элиты российского дворянства последней трети XVIII века (по материалам переписки)
Aнгелина Вачева, Pоэта-бурлеск в русской поэзии XVIII века (Stefano Garzonio)Сергей В. Хачатуров, Готический вкус в русской художественной культуре XVIII века (W. Gareth Jones)