Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter
Volume 34 (2006)

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Iurii Davidovich Levin (1920-2006): A Personal Memoir (Anthony Cross) [p. 1]

Synopses of Papers Read at the 47th Meeting of the Study Group

Denis Shaw, Bernhard Varenius' "Geographia Generalis" and its Translation and Publication in Peter the Great's Russia [pp. 9-12]
Charles Drage, Russian Model Conversations in Grammars and Travellers' Handbooks from the 1730s to the 1830s [pp. 13-16]
Paul Keenan, The Questions of Access to the Summer Gardens in St Petersburg in the First Half of the Eighteenth Century [pp. 17-21]
Erin McBurney, The Portrait Iconography of Catherine the Great: An Introduction [pp. 22-32]
Андрей Зорин, Жизнь по Александру Поупу (Несостоявщийся перевод "Послания Елизу к Абеларду Андрея Ивановича Тургенева") [pp. 32-35]
Michael Venditti, Мысли из Екклезиаста Вольтера в переводах Хераскова и Карамзина [pp. 35-44]
Maria Cristina Bragone, К истории восприятия Еразма Роттердамского в России в XVIII веке [pp. 44-47]


Daniela Rizzi, Кheraskov, Translator of Pope: A Russian Manuscript in Venice and the Birth of Russian Sentamentalism [pp. 48-65]
Muireann Maguire, "Кто умеет жить обманом": Wizards and Diviners in Late Eighteenth-Century Russian Theatre [pp. 66-80]

Book Reviews

Peter Hoffmann, Gerhard Friedrich Müller (1705-1783). Historiker, Geograph, Archivar im Dienste Russlands. Frankfurt-am-Main: Peter Lang, 2005 (Herforder Forschungen, Band 19) (Roger Bartlett)
S. A. Kozlov, Русская провинция Павла Болотова: "Настольный календарь 1787 года, Серия Русский пyтешественник эпохи Просвещения. Библиотека Фонда памяти светлейшего князя А. Д. Меншикова, "Историческая иллюстрация", Санкт-Петербург, 2006 (Paul Dukes)