Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter
(New Series)

SGECR Newsletter Cover

Volume 1 (2013) ISSN: 2054-5967

Synopses of Papers Read at the Annual Meetings of the Study Group

Natalie Bayer, The Transmission of Ideas from Europe to Russia via Masonic Lodges (2013)

Charlotte Henze, The Russo-Finnish Border in the Eighteenth Century (2013)

Emilie Murphy, Russian Noblewomen’s Travel and Travel Narratives in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Century (2011)

Denis Shaw, Utility in Natural History: Some Eighteenth-Century Russian Perceptions of the Living Environment (2011)

Ekaterina Skvortcova, J. A. Atkinson’s ‘Panoramic View of St Petersburg’ and the Evolution of Panoramas in Eighteenth- and Early Nineteenth-Century Russian Art (2012)

Susan Smith-Peter, Municipal and Regional Identities in Mid-Eighteenth Century Arkhangel'sk: Vasilii V. Krestinin and the Society for Historical Investigations (2011)

Reto Speck, Denis Diderot and Catherine II's Reform Programme: From A New Hope to Terminal Despair (2011)

Yusuke Toriyama, Images of the Volga River in Russian Poetry from the Reign of Catherine II to the End of the Napoleonic Wars (2012)

Angelina Vacheva, София-Екатерина: Имя и мифология в автобиографии Екатерины ІІ (2011)


Paul Keenan, British Visitors to Russia and the Imperial Court in the 1730s and 1740s

T. A. Лаптева, Английские купцы Гарднеры и их деятельность в России в XVIII веке

Book Reviews

Историческая энциклопедия Сибири, гл. ред. В. А. Ламин. Новосибирск: Изд. Историческое наследие Сибири и Институт истории СО РАН, 2010 (Janet Hartley)