Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter
(New Series)

SGECR Newsletter Cover

Volume 4 (2016) ISSN: 2054-5967

Synopses of Papers Read at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Study Group (2016)

Iannis Carras, Greeks in the Russian Empire during the Eighteenth and early Nineteenth Centuries

Екатерина Кислова, Языки русского духовенства первой половины восемнадцатого века: церковнославянский и латынь

Julia Leikin, 'There is more than one way to serve the ruler': Exploring казённые, вольные, and партикулярные forces in the long Eighteenth Century

Tilman Plath, Too many windows on Russia? Foreign Trade Policy and Economic Thought in Russia in the Eighteenth Century

Hilmar Preuss, Intercultural Dialogue and Exchange Relations between Scholars at the Academy of Sciences Leopoldina and Scholars in Russia during the long Eighteenth Century

Vladislav Rjeoutski, Изучение иностранных языков в среде дворянства в России в царствование Петра I


Ekaterina Skvortcova, Russian Empresses and their Foreign Counterparts: The Validation of the New Title of the Russian Ruler in illustrations of David Fassman’s 'Dialogues of the Dead'