Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter
(New Series)

SGECR Newsletter Cover

Volume 6 (2018-19) ISSN: 2054-5967

Synopses of Papers Read at the 60th Annual Meeting of the Study Group (2018)

Ricarda Vulpius (Freie Universität Berlin), Russia as an Empire in the Eighteenth Century: Imperial and Colonial Concepts and Practices of the Russian Elite

Rachel Koroloff (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen), Via the Volga: the gardens of Moscow and Astrakhan, 1706–50

Liudmila Sharipova (University of Nottingham), The Troubled Career of Sister Asklipiodata, a Convert Nun in Eighteenth-Century Kiev

Anthony Cross (University of Cambridge), Catherine the Great as portrayed during her Reign by British and British-based Artists

Viktoria Ivleva (Durham University), Shaping the Body Politic: From Catherine II's Uniform Dresses to Regional Uniforms

Synopses of Papers Read at the 61st Annual Meeting of the Study Group (2019)

Nikolas Pissis (Freie Universität Berlin), "Petrus Primus Russograecorum Monarcha": On the multiple contexts of an Image

Anastas’ia Lystsova (Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg), The Russian Succession Crisis of 1740-41

Maria Petrova (Higher School of Economics, Moscow), The Investigative Process in Russia in the 1760s (according to the Materials of the Moscow Investigative Expedition)

Matthieu Clément (Université de Lausanne), Shaping History for a Monarch: Frédéric-César de La Harpe’s lessons to the future Alexander I of Russia (1784-1794)

Danièle Tosato-Rigo (Université de Lausanne), Enlightened Education at the Russian Court: La Harpe’s Reports on Alexander and Constantine Pavlovitch’s Learning (1784-1794)

Margarita Vaysman (University of St Andrews), “Hussars! Silence!!!”: Gender Normativity and Queer Identity in Nadezhda Durova’s ‘Notes of the Cavalry Maiden’

Ulla Ijâs (University of Turku), Shopping in Eighteenth-Century Northern Baltic Towns

Research Notes

Andrew Curtin (University of Essex), Transforming Tradition; the Eighteenth Century in the Early Work of Alexander Ivanov

Andrew Curtin (University of Essex), Take Us to Our Leader, or Who Interceded with the Autocrat for Russian Artists in the Eighteenth Century?