Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter
(New Series)

SGECR Newsletter Cover

Volume 7 (2020-21) ISSN: 2054-5967

Synopses of Papers Read at the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Study Group (2020)

Mikhail Belan (University of Oxford), Social Structure and Financial Obligations in the late Eighteenth-Century уездный город, with reference to St Petersburg Province

Iannis Carras (IES EU Center, Freiburg im Breisgau), A Return to the Question of Economic and non-Economic Exchange: Trading Practices along the Black Sea Littoral in the first half of the Eighteenth Century

Joachim Klein (University of Leiden), Death and Friendship in Karamzin’s ‘Цветок на гроб моего Агатона’

Lena Marassinova (Institute of Russian History, Russian Academy of Sciences), Пытка, увещевание и тайна исповеди: следственное производство в России второй половины XVIII века

Alison Smith (University of Toronto), The Case of the Dead Cheese Master

Andrei Zorin (University of Oxford), Radishchev and the American Constitution

Synopses of Papers Read at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Study Group (2021)

Riva Evstifeeva (CLEA, Sorbonne Université, Paris), The Northern Route of B. Gracián’s Reception in the Eighteenth Century: Russia and England

Anna Graber (University of Minnesota), Lomonosov’s Response to the Lisbon Earthquake of 1755

Ekaterina Kislova (МГУ имени М. В. Ломоносова), Русский, церковнославянский и иностранные языки в семинарском круге чтения XVIII века>

Tat’iana Kostina (Архив Санкт-Петербиргский Институт истории РАН) and Vladislav Rjeoutski (DHI Moskau), Кто и кому преподавал языки в частных пансионах Петербурга в XVIII веке?

Tat’iana Smoliarova (Toronto University), Machine as Metaphor and Metonymie: Smith – Marmontel – Karamzin

Regina Stuber (Universität Würzburg), The Strategies of Peter I and his Envoy in Vienna, Johann Christoph von Urbich, after the battle of Poltava (1709)

Research Notes

Robert Collis (Drake University), A European Attraction: Animal Magnetism and the Russian Nobility, 1778-1830s