Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter
(New Series)
Volume 8 (2022-23) ISSN: 2054-5967
Synopses of Papers Read at the 64th Annual Meeting of the Study Group (2022)
Alex Averbuch (University of Toronto), Jewish Solicitory Poetry to Catherine II: Graphics, Ornamentation, Materiality
Aleksei Kraikovskii (Higher School of Economics, St Petersburg), ‘Another Amsterdam’: The Modernisation of Marine Product Harvesting and the Maritimisation of Eighteenth-Century Russia
Elena Teibenbacher (Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz), Maria Theresa and Catherine II: The Legitimacy of Female Rule in Representation and Retrospect within a Socio-cultural Context
Synopses of Papers Read at the 65th Annual Meeting of the Study Group (2023)
Mikhail Belan (University of Oxford), Raising Militias in the Provincial Towns of Northwest Russia in 1806-07 and 1812: Socio-Economic and Political Aspects and Consequences
Riva Estifeeva (Université de Strasbourg) and Sara Dickinson (Università di Genova), Blood, Animals and Violence: Eighteenth-Century Russian Translations of Ossian's 'Duchommar and Morna'
Marianna Murav’eva (Helsinki University), Queering the Eighteenth Century: Can Gender and Sexuality change our Critical Perception of Early Modern Russia?
Manfred Schruba (Università degli Studi di Milano), Erotic Motifs in Eighteenth-Century Russian Prints
Alison Smith (University of Toronto), Serfdom and Empire, Annushka and her World